
Code of Conduct

Kiang Nangbah Government College is a prestigious higher education institution established in 1967 and has been committed to provide quality education to students and to prepare them comprehensively for their career since then. The basic aim of college activities is to develop core competence among students and inculcate in them a profound orientation for societal welfare. 

The Vision of Kiang Nangbah Government College, Jowai is to develop a nascent youth force into a fully capable, visionary, innovative and socially conscious human resource for India by following rigorous quality standards of higher education as its defining core. 

There should be well defined norms to be followed by students, faculty, non-teaching staff and college administration to maintain the rigour of quality benchmarks. They should know their respective sphere of activities and be well versed in the niceties of their desired conduct in the institution. Their concern is to keep the dignity of the institution intact by not indulging in anything which creates any blemish on the name of the institution. The finer aspects of the respective code of conduct of different stakeholders are given below:


Code of Conduct for Students

General Rules:

  • They should follow rules and regulations set by the college and follow the set procedures for completion of different tasks with due diligence.
  • They should remain disciplined and must not do anything detrimental to the safety of others.
  • They should pay adequate respect to teachers and other college functionaries.
  • Ragging is completely prohibited in any form and any such act is punishable.
  • They must not do any harm to the property of the college.
  • They must not involve in any sort of disruptive activity in the college. 
  • They should work for upholding the interests and reputation of the college.
  • The wearing of ribbon identity card is a must.
  • Notice Boards should be read daily.
  • In vacant periods, they should sit in either the library or the place earmarked for them.
  • The boys are not allowed in the Girls’ Lawn and Girls’ Common Room.
  • Tutor is the guide, mentor and friend and should be consulted regularly.
  • They must attend mentor group meetings and other college activities and functions compulsorily with discipline.
  • Cleanliness is indispensable in the college.
  • They should work for maintaining the campus greenery and environment.
  • Nothing offensive should be written on walls and notice and classroom boards.
  • They should switch off the fans and lights which are not in use in rooms or verandahs.
  • The two wheelers/cars which students bring to the college should be properly registered with the parking staff.
  • Entry in the college is only for enrolled students and any outsider other than them is strictly prohibited.

Rules regarding Classes:

  • The students should be regular and punctual in their classes.
  • They must complete their study with utmost sincerity.
  • They have to complete 75% attendance in classes to be allowed to sit for examination.
  • The regular absence for six days consecutively without information to the college may lead to striking off their name from the college rolls.
  • They should pay proper heed to the lectures and remain disciplined in the classes.
  • Any adverse comment or indecent behaviour in the class is punishable.
  • The use of mobile phones is not allowed during the classes.
  • Any attempt to record the lecture of any teacher without permission is prohibited. 

Rules regarding Library:

  • The College Library is a great learning resource for the students.
  • They should make use of the library regularly for adding to their academic endeavours.
  • They should get books issued from the library regularly and return them within the stipulated fifteen days.
  • They are prohibited from making noise while sitting and studying in the reading lounge.
  • They should make use of the facility of the e-resource centre with caution so as not to cause damage to the facilities provided.
  • Tearing of any page from the books issued, defacing them and not returning them after the stipulated time may lead to monetary punishment.
  • The use of mobile phones in the library is strictly prohibited.

Rules regarding Co-curricular/Extra-curricular Activities:

  • The students have a good number of options to choose from activities provided by different designated cells.
  • They must participate in at least one of these activities.
  • They have to submit their name in the beginning of the session to the concerned teachers.
  • They should pursue the chosen activities diligently.
  • They have to complete the set regimen as prescribed by rules to be entitled for the certificate wherever applicable.
  • The discipline and their committed involvement are  must to learn from these activities. 


Rules regarding Internal Assessment:

  • There is a provision for internal assessment of students and the marks secured are appended with the marks obtained in the semester examination for final result.
  • The internal assessment is of 25% of the total marks for a paper or as decided by the affiliating university from time to time.
  • These marks are based on regular attendance in the classes, one assignment and two internal class tests.
  • The students should remain in touch with their respective teachers for the assignment topics, the evaluative marking and any other query.

Rules with regard to Examinations: 

  • Examination is the culmination of the learning endeavours of the students.
  • They are supposed to appear in examinations fully prepared and with utmost probity.
  • They should not indulge in any sort of copying or any other malpractice to improve their result.
  • Copying or facilitating others in any such activity is punishable.
  • The use of malpractice in examination may lead to strict punishment as provided in the rules.
  • They should appear in the examination with proper decorum and any attempt to create indiscipline or making loud noise may lead to punishment.
  • They have to strictly follow the rules, regulations and norms of the affiliating university and the college.
  • On the examination day, they are not allowed to carry their mobile and any other electronic device.

Rules regarding Girls’ Hostel:

  • There will be no entry of any students other than the hostellers in and near the vicinity of the hostel.
  • The girl hostellers are to follow strictly the timings as decided by their Hostel Warden.
  • They have to remain disciplined and maintain cleanliness and hygiene in the hostel campus.
  • They should take the responsibility of managing their affairs in the mutual interest of all inmates in consultation with the Warden.
  • The use of mobile, the use of wash rooms, the cleanliness of hostel rooms, the maintenance of hostel facilities, the upkeep of the hostel mess and other such issues are to be jointly managed by the inmates with the consultation of the Warden.

The students are supposed to abide by these rules or the rules communicated to them through notices in due course of their studies. If there is a case against a student for the possible breach of these rules, then the Code of Conduct Committee will look into the matter and inquire about the relevant facts. If it feels the case is appropriate for a suitable disciplinary action, the concerned student may be awarded punishment after consulting with the College Council and Senior Mentors. The punishment may be warning / restriction / expulsion/ monitory penalty/ suspension or ineligibility for readmission.  







Code of Conduct for Faculty, Administration and Office Staff


General Rules:

  • All the college staff members and administration should take a pledge to perform their respective duty for maintaining and enhancing the reputation and dignity of the institution.
  • The students’ interest should be their prime concern as they work as mentor and guide for the students.
  • They should be punctual and do their respective duties diligently.
  • They should be neutral and transparent in their conduct and behaviour and work with utmost probity.
  • They should work as role models for the students and any misdemeanour on the part of any staff member should be strictly prohibited.
  • They should strictly follow the rules, regulations and norms as prescribed by the government and the affiliating university.
  • They should be neatly dressed and help in maintaining general hygiene and healthy conditions in the college premises.
  • They should take active interest in maintaining an inclusive study environment and disapprove any discriminatory practice.
  • They should follow the parking rules and put their vehicles only at the designated place.
  • They should make use of college ICT and other facilities only for institutional purposes and should not use them for personal benefits.
  • They should carry their identity cards along with them.
  • They should work in amity and togetherness with the whole staff and this should be their core value.

Expectations from Teachers:

  • The teachers should be well prepared for the classes and take active interest in providing students with the best of teaching inputs.
  • The teachers should also coordinate studies with other co-curricular/extra-curricular activities for the holistic development of students.
  • They should make ICT as an integral part of their teaching and should be committed to add to their teaching methods and tools. 
  • The teacher should do quality research so as to progress professionally.
  • They should plan their assignments, seminars and class test in a way so as to have exhaustive coverage of the syllabus and to prepare students for the semester exams.
  • They should maintain complete transparency in internal assessment and timely inform students about their deficiencies so they can improve themselves before exams.
  • The maintenance of discipline is their prime duty and they should make sincere effort for the same.
  • They should work for sensitizing students about national integration, constitutional values, gender equality, social work, dignity of labour, healthy life habits and such other issues.
  • They should also keep a tab on the cleanliness of classrooms, departmental rooms, proper electricity arrangements and necessary upkeep of laboratories.
  • They should take active interest in managing and improving upon college facilities and activities.
  • They should inform students about any activity through timely notices.

Expectations from Non-Teaching Staff:

  • The non-teaching staff provides all ancillary support for college functioning.
  • They should have necessary coordination with teaching staff and students while performing their duties.
  • Their behaviour with students should be cordial and supportive.
  • They should maintain their respective records diligently and readily provide  required information from time to time.
  • They should help in switching over all official work to digital/online mode progressively.
  • The cleanliness of the office rooms and their proper upkeep is their responsibility.
  • They should not divulge any information about college activities to any outsider.

Expectations from College Administration:

  • The college administration is the linking pin joining all stakeholders and it should work with great sincerity and farsightedness.
  • It should work with transparency and impartiality in maintaining the quality standards in the institution.
  • It should not compromise in following rules and regulations and ensure discipline in all activities but with a humane touch.
  • The resolution of different irritants in an amicable manner should be its approach.
  • It should ensure such working conditions so as to help in furtherance of amicability among staff members.
  • It should take active interest in maintaining and improving the infrastructural facilities.     
  • The ensuring of discipline in the college campus should be its prime concern.
  • It should work as a supportive link between the institution and the higher authorities so as to implement the policies as decided by the authorities with negligible friction with the staff at the ground level.  


The college staff and administration should abide by these rules and they should make a pledge to keep themselves disciplined. However, if there is a grave breach of these rules, then Code of Conduct Committee will look into the matter and inquire about the relevant facts. If it feels the case is appropriate for action, the concerned incumbent may be asked to make necessary amends. If the situation still persists, an action can be taken against that member in accordance with the service rules. 


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